Bainbridge Rotary

about_1aPresident: Dave Declue

Address: PO Box 70, Bainbridge

Phone: 607.967.8044



Meetings: Every Thursday, noon, at Bob’s Diner

The Rotary Club of Bainbridge is part of Rotary International, a not for profit organization of male and female community leaders interested in working to improve their community and the world at large. There are 33,000 Rotary Clubs around the world with the International Goal of the eradication of Polio. Together with the World Health Organization, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rotary Foundation, there are only two countries in the world where Polio is active.

Members enjoy working together on community projects, supporting activities abroad and spending time with other like-minded individuals. Some local projects include: support of various youth groups, hosting students from other countries, providing materials and funds for Orphan Cry in Russia and Africa, and Flood Relief for local families.

The Mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace.

How to Join: If you are interested in making a difference with Rotary, please join one of our weekly meetings at Bob’s Diner or contact the president using the information above.

The Rotary Motto: Service Above Self, One Profits Most Who Serves Best!