Attendees: Matthew Adams, John Payne, June White, Jay Campbell, Bruce Kellogg, Armondo Petruccelli, JR Bogert, Teri Schunk, Dave DeClue, Phil Wade, Steve Eisenburg, Barb Mulkins, Dolores Nabinger, Roger Barnhart
Meeting called to order: President, John Payne, 7:30 AM.
Welcome new member, Matthew Adams, River Raven Farm.
Secretary Report: Motion to accept: Dolores Nabinger; second, Barb Mulkins, carried.
Treasurer Report: Motion to accept: Roger Barnhart; second, Bruce Kellogg, carried.
Village Report: Mayor, Philip Wade:
Winter maintenance is ongoing, the new well is on line and working. It is great to have a back up well in working order; preparing the budget for the next fiscal year; no information on grant applications yet; looking at ways to replace trees that have been removed.
Town Report: Dolores Nabinger, Supervisor
Two new lights have been installed behind Town Hall, which light up the parking lot.
Bowling Tournament:
Thank you to Chris Smith for organizing and Barb Mulkins for helping to line up baskets for the raffle.
Community Center:
Dolores reported that the interior is ready for sheet rocking. John Harmon is hoping to have his crew at the Center at the end of February, early March. The Chamber sends a huge thank you to Roy Nabinger for his many hours of work! Also, thank you to the Bainbridge Rotary Club for donating a refrigerator and range.
A closed security system will be installed at some point.
Teri Schunk is finishing up the parameters for the $35,000 grant received. Dave will write an impact statement to be included with interior and exterior photos. When the new round of grants is ready, Roger and Dolores will give Terri a wish list of items which are still needed for the project, such as tables and chairs, cages for the lights, etc.
Teri reported on the Southern Tier Music Festival scheduled for July 1st at the Sidney Airport. The names of the headliners and other acts will be announced soon. There is a fundraiser, Boots and Bowties, scheduled at the River Club on April 22nd.
Look for more information from Teri and Dave on the name change from 4Towns Forward to TCA Vision 21. Also Dave provided a mortgage document at the Director’s meeting which he is updating and will share when it is complete.
Community Yard Sales: April 22nd. Teri passed out advertising posters and 50/50 Raffle tickets for all towns to sell to help off set advertising expenses.
Other Business:
There was a discussion on collecting data regarding which businesses have outdoor security cameras. The members asked Mayor Wade to bring up the camera issue at the Village Board meeting on February 21st.
The Olde Town Band Director, Phil Wade, requested an additional $250 for operating expenses. Motion to accept, JR Bogert, second, June White. Approved.
Mayor Wade handed out information on the Hometown Improvement Contest.
Phil announced that the Presbyterian Church is looking for a location to possibly host a Wellness event. Date and location TBA.
The Scout House is looking for an event organizer for the Community Center. Contact Roger for details.
The Bainbridge American Legion is hosting monthly meetings at Bob’s Diner for information sharing with our veterans. The Binghamton VA Clinic will provide the first guest speakers. Contact Roger and new member, Matt Adams, for details.
Motion to Adjourn at 8:40 AM: JR, second; Phil.
Respectfully submitted,
June White, Vice President
For Secretary, Christine Smith