Jericho Garden Club of Bainbridge


President: Cindy Salak and June White

Address: 242 Mt Pleasant Drive, Bainbridge

Phone: Cindy Salak (607) 967-4748 and June White (607) 967-8657

Meetings: Second Monday of each month at Museum

The Garden Club purchases flowers and helps to beautify the Village of Bainbridge, including: flower-filled barrels on the village streets; baskets and Rose of Sharon bushes in the Village Park;

a Memorial Peace Garden; flowers at the roundabout and the museum; and lilac bushes by the Gen. Clinton Park sign.

The group also embellished the signs at the entrance to the village, in cooperation with the Bainbridge Rotary Club. The Garden Club helped build raised garden beds and roofs over the signs, filled them with soil, and planted flowers and shrubs.

Members of the Garden Club also created the Deanna Murray Memorial Garden at the West Main St. sign, purchased banners and hardware for bridge poles, established community gardens, and planted a dogwood tree in the Village Park in memory of Teddy Cherniak. The group also brought the neglected cemetery fountain to the attention of the Bainbridge Chamber of Commerce and assured that it is moved, painted and placed in working order.

Experienced or new gardeners can take part in projects to beautify the village, meet new friends and participate in activities that enhance the skills of those who love to garden.