Bainbridge Chamber of Commerce General Membership Meeting

August 16, 2022

Meeting Called to Order at 7:34 AM by President, John Payne

Minutes of July 19, 20202:

 Motion to Approve:  Roger; Second; Jay.  Passed

Treasurer’s Report:  Handed out by Jay.  Motion to Approve: Dolores; second; Barb.  Passed

Community Center Update:

  1. Trees on the property need to be removed behind the building. John has volunteered his crane and an operator for a total cost of $3000 for tree removal. Motion to accept:  JR; Second; Barb.  Passed.
  2. The Town of Bainbridge is volunteering to oil and stone the parking lot.  Dolores will get us prices.  Motion to accept up to $12,000 worth of work: Matt; second; Roger.  Passed.
  3. The electrical work is in the process of being completed.
  4. Target date for completion of the building:  Thanksgiving.  Hoping to hold Small Business Saturday on November 26th.

Bainbridge Days:  September 2 and 3: Sponsored by the Bainbridge Chamber of Commerce

Friday, September 2

  1. 6-8 PM Short Change Band at the Gazebo
  2. Free popcorn:  Bainbridge Rotary Club
  3. Free hot dogs:  Bainbridge Lions Club
  4. Outdoor movie at dusk:  Sing 2
  5. Bring chairs and blankets
  6. In case of rain, venue will be the Jericho Arts Council Town Hall Theatre

Saturday, September 3

  1. Bainbridge Free Library Book Sale
  2. Small Town, Big Band in the Town Hall Theatre @ 7PM:  FREE!  Dancing encouraged
  3. Snips and Snails Consignment: Celebrating 11 years in business!! Huge indoor and outdoor sales. 28 N Main Street in Bainbridge; 9 AM-3 PM Saturday and Sunday
  4. Raffle baskets to support the Jericho Arts Council Town Hall Theatre available on first floor of Town Hall
  5. Vendors in the Village Green and Main Street

Village Report:  Mayor, Philip Wade

Letter of Intent to Restore NY for nine abandoned buildings; properties to go back on tax roll if possible. Pending, not approved yet:  Letter of Intent to NY Forward to fund downtown projects. Mayor Wade is assembling a planning group if this becomes available.

Town Report:  Supervisor, Dolores Nabinger

Backs have been painted on the Welcome to Bainbridge signs. Many thanks to the B-G Art Department!


A committee has been formed to plan a possible Music Festival to take place next year at the Sidney Airport; 3-4000 people anticipated to attend. So far, $70,000 has been raised. Congratulations!

Chamber Golf Tournament:  Sunday, August 21st. contact John Payne to send a team or sponsor a hole.  Door prizes are still needed.

Adjourned : 8:30 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Vice President, June White

For Secretary, Chris Smith