ATTENDEES: Jeff Austin, Roger Barnhart,Jr Bogert,Dave DeClue, Mary Drachler, Matt Germond, Bruce Kellogg, Dolores Nabinger, John Payne, Armando Petruccelli, Tim Ryan, Teri Schunk, Chris Smith, Phil Wade
- Meeting called to order by Chamber President, John Payne, at 7:33 AM.
- Secretary’s Report: motion to accept by Roger, second by Mary, carried.
- Treasurer’s Report: Jay was unable to attend, no report this month.
- Phil provided a Village Report. He is still waiting to hear back on the FEMA grant. A new grant just came out – Restore NY which will provide $100 Million state-wide. This is a reimbursement grant for property owners that want to restore their properties. A letter of intent is due by August 11th with the grant due in October.
- Dolores provided a Town Report. Dolores spoke about the CDBG Grant – The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program provides annual grants on a formula basis to states, cities, and counties to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate-income persons. The new pump is up and running at the pool and the 2nd session of swimming lessons is about to begin – this is a very well-run program and the staff does an excellent job working with the kids. The Town also worked with Alyssa Hardy and Colleen Jenkins from the Art Department at the school to have students paint photos for the back of the Welcome Signs – Please Come Again!!
- Welcome new Chamber Member – Jeff Austin from Austin Farm Enterprises, 161 Jennison Lane – the old Blue Seal Feed location. Austin Farms provides wholesale and retail. They are open Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Saturday 8:00 am – Noon. They provide trucking services and offer logging equipment.
- Teri provided a 4TownsForward report. They have formed a sub-committee to work on a Music Festival for next Summer – sometime in July. Planning to hold the festival at the Sidney Airport. They are interviewing potential companies to run the event which will be an all-day festival. They have commitments for donations which qualifies them to apply for a $100,000 grant. This could bring in considerable revenue to the (4) communities and will be split evenly among them. They are also working on holding a Career Day. They would also like to hold an event at the New Bainbridge Community Center in October/November to bring the communities up to date on everything they are working on. The tourism brochure is out – each Village received 200 and the balance of 3,200 were distributed within a 100-mile radius. A digital version will also be available. Any changes and/or future additions should be given to Teri for real-time updates.
- Tim provided a BGCSD update. Summer school is up and running for grades K – 8. They are also offering ceramics, fitness, and driver’s ed. They received federal stimulus money which provides students with door-to-door transportation. They also pick up and drop off at Cullman Child Development Center in Sidney. Enrollment is up this year and open to anyone. They are feeding about 150 kids everyday at Greenlawn Elementary. They will be adding a 2nd Resource Officer at Guilford that will be shared with GMU.
- John reported that the bathroom issue at the Community Center has been resolved. They simply had to move the sink to another wall. John also received (1) quote back so far for paving. What was previously estimated at $14-$15,000 is now double. John suggested we consider doing it in stages. Put the binder down this year with topcoat next year. Dolores suggested John check with the Highway Department as they have a paver. They would only charge us for materials. Dolores said the board is typically willing to allow this if the work being done is for the Community. The electric is actively being worked on and once complete we need to schedule John Harmon’s crew to do the drywall. An inspection of the electric will need to be completed first. The materials are all there to complete the inside. John advised that the double door would provide a handicap accessible entrance. Roger/Matt spoke about the trees around the center that need to come down.
- Armando spoke about the Farmer’s Market which will take place every Tuesday in August from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm on the lawn by the old Great American. If it rains, the vendors can set-up under the overhang of the store. Armando is seeking vendors so if interested, please contact him.
- Phil spoke about the Welcome Signs and approaching the BOD about updating “Home of Elmer’s” to something relevant. He is also trying to get approval to have a pole installed opposite the NBT building on the park side so that banners can be hung over Route 206.
- Mary reported that the next Bainbridge Connects will be going out soon.
- John advised that the Bainbridge Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament is Sunday, August 21st at Sundown Golf & Country Club starting @ Noon.
- Teri advised that the Sidney Chamber Golf Tournament is next Thursday, July 28th starting at 10:00 am.
- Motion to adjourn by Bruce, second by Phil, carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 am.
Our next Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 2nd and the next General Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 16th at the back of Bob’s Diner @ 7:30 am.
Respectfully Submitted: Christine Smith, Secretary