ATTENDEES: Roger Barnhart,Jr Bogert,Jay Campbell,Dave DeClue, Mary Drachler, Matt Germond, Randy Janinda, Bruce Kellogg, Barb Mulkins, Dolores Nabinger, John Payne, Armando Petruccelli, Teri Schunk, Chris Smith, Phil Wade, June White
- Meeting called to order by Chamber President, John Payne, at 7:35 AM.
- Secretary’s Report: motion to accept by June, second by Mary, carried.
- Treasurer’s Report: motion to accept by Phil, second by Barb, carried.
- Phil provided a Village Report. Paving is taking place on Juliand & Greenlawn Streets. They will come back later in the Summer with an oil & stone topcoat. Phil continues to research available grants and has applied for a grant with FEMA for a generator – cost is $80,000. If awarded, the grant pays 90%. There is also $5 Million available for charging stations – Phil will apply again. In addition, there is a grant available through NY Forward for downtown revitalization.
- Dolores provided a Town Report. The Deputy Clerk position is open since the deputy clerk has accepted a full-time position. The position pays $15 per hour/20 hours per week. The pool is open, and they have lots of lifeguards on staff for the Summer.
- Teri provided a 4TownsForward report. They have received a $3,500 grant for the Bainbridge Library for new computers, etc. They are working on a Music Festival for next Summer. Planning to hold the festival at the Sidney Airport. They are interviewing potential companies to run the event. They were able to raise $75,000 in commitments very quickly that will go toward the all-day festival. They are considering future venues – Afton Fairgrounds, General Clinton Park, Unadilla Drive In. The plan will be to eventually build an Amphitheater. The tourism brochure is complete. Each Village received 200 and the balance of 3,200 were distributed within a 100-mile radius. A digital version will be ready next week. An changes and/or future additions should be given to Teri for real-time updates. 4TownsForward is also looking to bring back the Tri-Town News.
- Matt provided an update on the Community Center. The electric is actively being worked on. We are in need of a lift to do the electric in the ceiling. If we can not get a lift, scaffolding will be used. Roy Nabinger will contact Steve Fox to resolve the bathroom issue. Need to schedule John Harmon’s crew to do the drywall as it will probably take some time to get them there. An inspection of the electric will need to be completed first. The materials are all there to complete the inside. Since there is money available, we may want to consider paving the parking lot now.
- June spoke about the Alumni Weekend coming up next month. John will speak at the luncheon to try to get donations for future operating expenses of the Community Center. June has gathered and taken photos of the Center. June made a request for $300 to put the photos into a nice format – motion to accept by JR, seconded by Roger, carried.
- JR will look at our members to insure they are categorized correctly as a business member or supporting member.
- Armando suggested that we consider doing a Job Fair since it is difficult to find employees. It was suggested that 4TownsForward move forward with this – Teri agreed to add to their next meeting agenda.
- Phil advised that the Old Time Band concerts will begin next month – the 1st is July 8th.
- The next Bainbridge Connects will be going out within the next month. If you have an article that you would like to include, please contact June White, Mary Drachler, Violet Wade or Cookie Witham.
- Motion to adjourn by Barb, second by Teri, carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:41 am.
Our next Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 5th and the next General Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 19th at the back of Bob’s Diner @ 7:30 am.
Respectfully Submitted: Christine Smith, Secretary