ATTENDEES: Roger Barnhart,Jr Bogert,Jay Campbell,Dave DeClue, Mary Drachler, Kerri Green, John Harmon, Bruce Kellogg, Lori McGraw, Barb Mulkins, Dolores Nabinger, Jenna Ostrander, John Payne, Armando Petruccelli, Tim Ryan, Teri Schunk, Chris Smith, Tina Townsend, Phil Wade, June White
- Meeting called to order by Chamber President, John Payne, at 7:31 AM.
- Secretary’s Report: motion to accept by Dolores, second by Barb, carried.
- Treasurer’s Report: motion to accept by Phil, second by JR, carried.
- Jay also advised that there are only (15) members that have not paid their dues to renew their membership. Bruce and JR will be in contact with those businesses. We also have new businesses who have joined the Chamber – Mulligans, It’s My Deli, Austin Farms and Choice Garage Doors.
- Phil provided a Village Report. They are still cleaning up the storm damage and getting the Village Park ready for Memorial Day. The water study has been started. Phil is working on a FEMA grant for the wells which is due June 1st, and he continues to investigate other potential programs. He also wanted to make sure that everyone knew that Kerri Green will be at Mulligans this Thursday, May 19th @ 6:30 pm to talk about Commerce Chenango and everything they have going on as well as answer any questions anyone may have.
- Tim spoke about the school Vote today from Noon until 9:00 pm. The budget came in under the cap @ 1.9%. They received $600,000 in aid, there is an increase of $300,000 for health insurance. There are (4) people running for 3 open board positions. 2 are presently on the board and are running for re-election.
- June spoke about the Garden Club. The barrels will be planted this weekend and the Club will be holding their annual plant sale on Saturday, May 28th on the Jericho Porch – please come out and show your support!!
- John Harmon spoke about the General Clinton Canoe Regatta. Volunteers are still needed to help pull this event off. He is also looking for someone who can help next Friday, May 27th from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm to help get the vendors situated, volunteers to help with the gate Saturday & Sunday and someone who can go to Brookwood Point on Saturday to get the parking set up. He is also looking for additional help in the Office – preferably someone on the Board. There will be a workday this Saturday, May 21st to put race packets together and to get the docks in place. Race entries for the 70-Miler are down by about 80 boats. The Pros are on pace, but the amateurs are down. The ads will start Thursday and will continue throughout the event thanks to matching funds from Commerce Chenango.
- Kerri attended and provided updates. The Hansman’s building currently owned by the IDA will be up for lease or sale once maintenance is done. The building is quite dilapidated as it has set vacant for years. The IDA has purchased the old Annette’s Building on Walnut Street and will be leasing it to Everything Bagelry who will be moving their business there soon. Commerce Chenango will be hosting the 2022 Chenango County Wine, Beer & Food Festival July 30th 11:00 am – 7:00 pm @ the Chenango County Fairgrounds. This inaugural event is presented by Commerce Chenango Tourism. If you are a winery, brewery, distillery, food truck, or food vendor, they want you! For more information on securing your spot as a vendor or sponsor, or purchasing a ticket, visit the event website at www.chenangowbffest.com. In addition, they are looking for a group that might be interested in helping with the parking – this could be a fundraiser for a group. They will be hosting their annual gala on Thursday, June 9th @ 5:30 pm at the Stoney Creek Castle in Earlville. For additional details call 607-334-1402. If anyone is working on a grant, please give Kerri a heads up. She often gets consulted regarding the grants and can function as an advocate for you if she knows what you are working on.
- Phil also wanted everyone to know that because of the Commerce Chenango Tourism Grant, their will be a FREE Binghamton Philharmonics concert on Sunday, June 19th @ 3:00 pm at the Town Hall Theater.
- Teri spoke about 4TownsForward. We have received $40,000 in grants so far – the most recent was a $5,000 grant from Southern Tier Community Foundation. The Community Garage Sale event went very well and there has been nothing but positive feedback. This will be made an annual event going forward – the last Saturday of April each year. There was a lot going on in Sidney – Main Street, Teri would like to see more going on in Bainbridge. Congratulations to Teri who is Sidney’s Citizen of the Year and Congratulations to Teri for her promotion to Vice President of NBT Insurance!! The dinner to celebrate Teri and the other honorees will take place on June 2nd @ the Sidney Fire Department and is being catered by Club 55. Cost is $45 per person but includes open bar. The other honorees are Gavin’s – Business of the Year & Sidney Alumni Association – Organization of the Year.
- Teri also spoke about the Celebration on June 10th & 11th – Sidney turns 250 years old!! There will be events taking place all weekend long at Keith Clark Park.
- Tina spoke about Artisans of Bainbridge. The sheds have been rearranged and will be filled with Vendors every Tuesday – Saturday from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm. They also have a new car detailer if you are interested in getting your car detailed.
- The next Bainbridge Connects will be going out during the Summer and the final edition for the year will be Christmas in Bainbridge. If you have an article that you would like to include, please contact June White, Mary Drachler, Violet Wade or Cookie Witham.
- Roger provided an update on the Community Center. The furnace has been installed, propane is hooked up and electric is in process. Once complete then the walls can go up. John Harmon can bring a crew back to work as they need their community service hours. Roger also has the sports equipment on order – this was made possible by a donation from the Lion’s Club from a while back. We are also getting quotes to oil and stone the parking lot vs. blacktop.
- The banner is up promoting the Open-Air Market in the Park which starts on Saturday, May 28th.
- Roger also wanted everyone to know that it is National EMT Week and that they have (1) new EMT coming on board.
- We received notice from the American Legion that they do not need our $250 donation this year as they will not be doing any judging and providing awards during the Memorial Day Parade.
- Roger is in need of (2) volunteers to help with the Memorial Day Parade line up. He is also looking for someone willing to announce during the Parade.
- Motion to adjourn by Bruce second by Roger, carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:32 am.
Our next Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 7th and the next General Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 21st at the back of Bob’s Diner @ 7:30 am.
Respectfully Submitted: Christine Smith, Secretary