Historical Fact: To follow up on the first motorized fire engine, purchased by the Village of Bainbridge, covered in the previous issue, the engine had been here only a few days when a significant fire started in the Bainbridge Republican building at the corner of West Main Street and Railroad Avenue. The fire started in the engine room at the rear of the building, spread into the attic and made considerable headway completely unknown to the employees working below. It was discovered by American Separator employees who had stepped out of the factory for a work break. The fire companies arrived with their new engine and were able to extinguish the fire rather quickly, much to the approval of the large crowd that had assembled. The little engine served the community until September of 1941, when it was replaced by a much larger, modern unit. This was not the end for the little engine though; it was cut down in size and used as a utility tractor by the Department of Public Works for many more years.
Bainbridge vendors and yard salers can set up free of charge in the Municipal Parking lot behind Bob’s Diner.
Regatta Row 2022
Photos of unfinished chairs and poles that will amaze you when you see them on the streets!
It’s time for the 8th Regatta Row Exhibit, Streetfest and Auctions! Jericho Arts Council Gallery committee has 11 of our adult size Adirondack style Canoe Paddle Chairs, built by Dan Stoltzfus, and new this year, 20 four, five and six foot Garden Art Poles, built by John Haddad, with helpers, Ian Tonnessen and Steve Witham. The theme this year is “Regatta Byways – Scenes Along the River”. The chairs and poles will arrive on the sidewalks of North and West Main Streets in the Village on April 27, with canoe paddles decorated by area students being hung in area business windows. All will be going online at the auction site 32Auctions, with the chairs and poles moving
VOL. 8 ISSUE 2 Spring 2022
Courtesy of Bainbridge Fire Department
on to a live auction in the Chamber of Commerce tent on Saturday, May 28 @ 5pm at the Regatta, General Clinton Park. Proceeds from the art auctions will go to the JAC Regatta Row fund to support artists and musicians, and to create future events.
A fun Regatta Row Streetfest will be happening this year! Actually, it’s only the 6th, since it was unable to happen the past two years because of COVID 19. There will be the artists with their works of art, music on the streets and other free surprises. Come join us the afternoon of Saturday, May 21 from 1-3 pm on the sidewalks, then into the Town Hall Theatre for a free finale with John Truth Experience.
Our artists this year are: Fran Briggs, Jessica Chambers, Robin DeGolier, Christine Giuliano, Sarah Green, Margie Hamer, Rachel Hares, Keiko Howard, Sharon Herrmann, Birte Jorgensen, Nancy Kitchen, Carol Lernihan, Ellen Lockhart-Main, Diana McShane, Sara O’Brien & Paula Pickhardt, Alecia O’Neill, Hans Spalholz, Jessica Tefft and Cyndy Weeks! They will be painting with Golden Artist Colors, which have been generously donated by the New Berlin /Norwich Company.
If you or your business would like to financially support this event, go to www.jerichoarts.com, see Regatta Row 2022, and “Click here to donate”. You may also send a check, made out to JAC, and mail to Cookie Witham, 63 North Main Street, Bainbridge NY 13733. You may also go to this site for links to the People’s Choice Award voting and the online auction sites.
Questions: email jacarttrail@gmail.com or call/text Rachel at 607-643-2211.
Welcome to Mulligans Bar & Grill
If you don’t live in Bainbridge, but want an electronic PDF copy of the Bainbridge Connects newsletter, email Bainbridgeconnects@gmail.com and tell us your name and email address.
2582 NY-7 Bainbridge
Community Gardens Available for Bainbridge Residents
Raised garden beds at the Bainbridge Community Gardens will be available again this year to any Bainbridge town or village resident. The beds are maintained by the Jericho Garden Club, and are a product of a joint effort by the Jericho Garden Club, both the Village and Town of Bainbridge, the Bainbridge Rotary Club, and the Bainbridge Lions Club.
The Community Gardens are located adjacent to the village municipal parking lot on Walnut Avenue, between Maple Manor Apartments and the railroad tracks. The Gardens consist of 22 raised beds of various heights. Higher beds are designed so that gardening can be performed while standing. Lower beds are more easily accessible to young children. Each raised bed is filled with
organic soil and fertilizer. Water is available on site, as well as the use of a locked shed for tools and accessories. Along with the garden shed, the Jericho Garden Club has added a compost bin and a stone memorial bench.
A bed may be reserved with a deposit of $20 per gardener, which will be refunded at the end of the growing season, following removal of all plant material. Depending upon the weather, planting may begin in mid-May. To reserve a raised garden bed for the upcoming 2022 growing season, please contact Christine Cumming, of the Jericho Garden Club at (607) 967-3130. Afton Golf Course Women’s League Before you know it, it will be time to be outside swinging our clubs. There are openings for Monday’s Women’s League, Best Ball, and Wednesday’s Captain and Mate. Call Wendy at 607-639-2454 for more information and to sign up.
Memorial Day Parade
The American Legion post 806 would like to invite you to the Village of Bainbridge Memorial Day Parade. The annual parade will be on Memorial Day, Monday May 30, 2022. We would like you to participate or watch the parade to honor our Fallen Heroes who never made it home.
The parade steps off at 10:30 am with the American Legion leading the parade. To join the parade, you can line up at the Greenlawn School Circle/parking lot. Larger vehicles or groups, please line up on Pruyn street.
The American Legion will be holding a small ceremony to commemorate Memorial Day in the Village Park immediately after the parade.
We always need volunteers to help us as well. Please call Roger Barnhart at 607-287-3170 or email him at rogerbarnhart50@gmail.com to volunteer.
The Jericho Garden Club of Bainbridge, in its 16th year of service to the residents of Bainbridge, announces their 2nd annual Memorial Day Weekend Plant Sale. ➢ Where – The Jericho ➢ When – May 28, 2022 ➢ What time – 9:00 am – 2:30 pm All proceeds go toward beautification and community service projects in Bainbridge!
Bainbridge Lions Club
We have been busy the past few months donating money to many different causes. The Bainbridge Free Librarian, Michelle Arnold, came to one of our meetings to accept a donation. Chis Cumming, a member of the Jericho Garden Club, accepted a check to help continue maintaining the Community Gardens project in the Village.
Two of our fellow Lions were involved in the lifesaving efforts at the recent house fire in Masonville. Thank you for your efforts, Lion, Gary Richman and Lion, Bob Evans. Our club helped the family with a donation. We also made a donation to Greek Peak Ski Resort towards a program for the blind, which our Lion, Randy Lambrecht, has been involved in for over 20 years.
Our Lion’s Club Bowling tournament was March 26th at Galaxy Bowl. Next, we will be having our golf tournament at Blue Stone Golf Course in Oxford on June 5th. If you would like to join us, please contact any Lion member, or call King Lion, Roy Nabinger, @ 607-563-1952.
Thank you for your continued support. King Lion, Roy Nabinger
Bainbridge Rotary Continues to Sell “Stones From the Walls of Jericho” The book Stones From the Walls of Jericho is still available for purchase. This would be a great gift for family and friends. To order your copy, please contact Dave DeClue at (607) 743-2523 or (davedeclue@stny.rr.com). Rotary thanks you for your continued support of our projects.
Bainbridge Hometown Heroes Banner Program
Oh, what a difference a year makes! Last year, at this time, the Bainbridge community came together to launch this banner program. The program has taken many twists and turns along the way, but one thing has remained constant, the unending support to recognize and honor Bainbridge’s Hometown Heroes.
Original plans called for single banners per pole, which were to be rotated seasonally between our Veterans and other Hometown Heroes. It soon became apparent that due to the volume of banners, this approach was not going to work. Currently, the banners will remain displayed throughout the year.
The initial focus was on our Veterans. We now, however, are starting to honor and recognize others in the community. The Bainbridge Lions take great pride in sponsoring banners for the 31 member Bainbridge Fire Department. Soon these banners will be joining the 241 Veterans banners that are either currently on display, or on order.
A merry band of Bainbridge Lions has administered the program and hung banners throughout the Village. The installation work would not have been possible without the generous donation of a hydraulic lift from John Payne.
Many community members have asked how they can help support this ongoing project. We know there are more Veterans to recognize, and we also acknowledge that financial resources may prohibit deserving Veterans from being honored. Each banner costs $100, and the required mounting hardware an additional $70. Many local organizations, businesses, neighbors, classmates, coworkers, friends and families have sponsored banners. We wish to thank those who have contributed for others as a
way to “pay it forward”. For those wishing to contribute, checks should be made payable to the Bainbridge Lions, and sent c/o Robert Evans, 167 Cornell Dr., Bainbridge. For more information on ordering banners, please email bainbridgelionbob@gmail.com.
Thank you, Bainbridge, for giving us all a reason to walk around with our heads held high.
Bob Evans, Bainbridge Lions Club
B-G Students Selected to Attend Rotary RYLA Conference
The Rotary Club of Bainbridge today announced the selection of two students as participants in the 37th Rotary District 7170 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Conference held at SUNY Oneonta in Oneonta from June 26th to June 29th this coming summer.
Students, Connor Vredenburgh and Celeste Baldwin will join 85 other students from high schools in the southcentral New York who will live, work and study together at the RYLA Conference. Aimed at developing the leadership potential of young people, the conference will feature speakers, programs and workshops focused on decision-making, critical thinking, effective communication, time management, ethics, career development, public service, contemporary problems and other challenging issues.
Bainbridge Community Foundation
The Bainbridge Community Foundation will be holding their free Summer Concert Series at General Clinton Park on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm.
July 12 Elvis aka Aric Mckown July 19 Pasty White and Rocket 88 July 26 Fetish Lane Aug 2 Dirt Farm Aug 9 Woodshed Prophets Aug 16 Bug Tussle
Bainbridge Jericho Arts Council Town Hall Theatre and Gallery Schedule www.Jerichoarts.com Reservations: 607-288-3882
Sat. 4/9 @ 7pm Doobie Brothers Tribute “Takin’ It To The Streets” Gallery: 15th Annual Student Art Show
Sat. 4/23 @ 7pm Zink and Company Bluegrass Gallery: Keiko Howard
Sat. 4/30 @ 7pm Beatles For Sale Recreating the sound of the Beatles live in concert Gallery: 41st Fine Arts Show
Sat. 5/7 @ 7pm Roy Orbison Tribute “Only The Lonely” Gallery: 41st Fine Arts Show *Sat. 5/14 @ 7pm (FREE) Small Town Big Band Dancing the Night Away!
- This program is made possible with public funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, and administered by The Earlville Opera House.
Call for Artists: 41st Annual JAC Fine Art Show
The 41st Annual Jericho Arts Council Fine Arts Show opens April 30th and will run through May 7th. There are four categories of two-dimensional artwork including oil & acrylic, watercolor & gouache, photography, and drawing & graphics, which includes mixed media, pastel and printmaking.
There will be monetary awards in each of the four categories along with a Tennant Realism Award, a Best in Show and a People’s Choice. Judging this year will be Leah Frankel and Nick George. We will be accepting preregister entries until April 15th, or you may register and deliver your art on our drop-off / registration days: Monday April 25th, 10-1pm and Tuesday April 26th, 4-7pm. You may find further information and entry forms by going to www.jerichoarts.com and see the FAS listing under the Gallery drop down menu. You must be 18 years or older to enter.
Our exhibit hours will be Saturday April 30th, 6-8:30pm; Sunday, Noon-3pm; Monday through Friday, 1-7pm; Saturday May 7th, 1-8:30pm. There will be a closing reception on Saturday preceding the awards ceremony at 2pm.
Please come and enjoy this wonderful exhibit! As always, there is no admission fee to browse to your heart’s content in our Gallery. For additional information, visit our web site or call/text 607-222-1839. The show is held upstairs in the GALLERY, Bainbridge Town Hall, 15 North Main Street, Bainbridge N.Y. Bainbridge Historical Society
“Local author Chuck D’Imperio will present his latest book, “OPEN HOUSE” on Thursday April 7, 7:00 pm at the Historical Museum. This book, published by Syracuse University Press, takes an in-depth look at 35 of Upstate New York’s most historic homes. Many of these will surely be new to you, as Chuck found several homes that are certainly “off the grid” but have fantastic stories nonetheless. This is Chuck’s 9th book about Upstate New York. In 2021 “OPEN HOUSE” won the prestigious “Upstate New York 2021 Book of the Year (Non-Fiction)” award from the CNY Writers Institute. Books will be available for sale after Chuck’s presentation. Rotary Bike-A Thon
The Bainbridge Rotary Club is sponsoring their 19th BikeA-Thon on May 7th at Clinton Park. If you would like to sponsor a child you know from Greenlawn or Guilford Schools, for the number of laps they ride, please contact their parents for information. The proceeds will be used to purchase a refrigerator unit at the Bainbridge Community Center. Please feel free to contact Rotarian, Robin Haddad, at 607-226-7744 for questions.
Students first… Building a Better Tomorrow
Letter from the Town Supervisor
Happy Spring !!! Soon the daffodils will be popping out leading us to believe that spring is here.
Our highway department has taken the plows off their trucks and are busy sweeping the roads. This is another sign that spring is here. Work has started at the pool replacing all the equipment in the pump house. We have made many improvements in the last few years to our pool. Our goal is to keep the pool up and running for our community. I believe the pool is about 65 years old. What a wonderful thing to have for our children and their families.
Clinton Park has been busy with walkers, dogs, strollers and children. Soon we will welcome back the General Clinton Canoe Regatta and many other events. We still have a few seasonal campsites available for this season.
We will be having our annual Spring Clean Up Day on Saturday May 7th from 9am until noon at the Town Highway Garage on Lawrence Road. Residents may drop off white goods, tires and electronics. No household garbage.
There is a fee of $10 for appliances that contain Freon. Tires 16” are $3.00, tires 17’-20” are $4.00, large tractor tires are $8.50. The following electronics will be collected free of charge: computers, HD televisions, monitors, keyboards, fax machines, scanners, printers, VCR’s, DVR’s, video game consoles, etc. There will be a limit of two TV’s allowed per household and a charge of $5.00 for each additional television. NO CONSOLE TV’S will be accepted.
The Town would like to encourage residents to clean up along the road in front of their homes. Trash tends to invite more trash. If everyone pitches in, we can make our neighborhoods more aesthetically pleasing.
If you have any questions, please call the Bainbridge Town Clerk at 967-3781 or myself, Dolores, at 237-9414.
Enjoy the weather. Dolores Nabinger, Town Supervisor
Mayor’s Minute I’ve not seen any robins yet, but Sunday March 20th was the vernal equinox (equal daytime and nighttime hours) so spring has officially arrived! A surer sign of spring in Bainbridge will be the return of all the snow birds who have been working on their tans in Florida since December. Of course, I’m jealous, but there’s too many activities right here in the Southern Tier to lie on the beach!
Spring wouldn’t be spring without the robins and crocuses and spring clean-up around the yard. The Village will pick up yard waste placed at the curb from now until late May just before Memorial Day (Canoe Regatta time!) Please place leaves and other yard waste either in barrels, baskets, or bags. This also includes tree branches, cut into 4 (four) foot lengths. No leaf vacuuming will be done at this time.
I’m pleased to announce new Village Board member, Robert Dann, who ran for one of the two seats up for election. Robert has served previously on the Planning Board, and we welcome his experience and ideas. Trustee, Vince Taylor, was re-elected as well. These trustee terms run for four years. I’m also pleased to announce that Michael Sullivan is joining the Zoning Board of Appeals. There is another Zoning Board seat open. If you know of someone who would like to serve on the Zoning Board, please contact the Village office, (607) 967-7373. Sadly, Jay Campbell, who has served 16 years on the Village Board, will retire from service to the Village. Jay served tirelessly and provided a unique perspective during Village Board discussions. It was an honor to serve with him. I enjoy his friendship and know he will continue to serve our community through the Bainbridge Chamber and the Episcopal Church.
Our water system has also served us well (excuse the pun!) for many, many years. It has gone through many improvements over the years from the pond on Newton Town Road, to the dam on Yaleville Brook, to the present
26 N. Main Street 607-967-3111
wells near the Susquehanna River. Like many of us, its age is showing and the DPW crew continues to keep it in very good repair. We know there are issues that need attention, such as the break on Kirby Street. The path to improvements and access to funding sources requires us to file an engineering study with New York State. We have qualified for a $30,000 grant from the USDA RD program to help pay for this study. The Village will provide matching funds of $10,000 toward the $40,000 cost of the study, which will be performed by the firm of Barton & Loguidice. I look forward to sharing the results of this study with Village residents in the near future.
Don’t forget the 4 Towns Forward Yard Sale on Saturday, April 23rd!
American Legion
The American Legion post 806 from Bainbridge would like to invite you to join us for our chicken barbeques. We sell our chicken in front of the Bainbridge Famil y Dollar and we start selling at 10:30 am each Saturday. Our dates for this year are: April 9, July 9, Sept 10, and Oct 1. We sell the Famous Wilson chicken! Delicious chicken halves or full dinners will be available.
The American Legion also sells American Flags for $25. These are high quality flags-American Made embroidered not screen printed. Reach out to any Legion member for your new flags.
SPRING: Lawn debris and brush pick-up begins in April, weather permitting. Use clear bags for debris, limit 50 pounds per bag. Bundle sticks securely, four-foot lengths or less, in bundles one person can handle. Pick-up will be as needed through May. In June, July and August, pick-up will begin the 3rd Monday of the month for that week. Please place bags at the curb the weekend prior to the 3rd Monday.
SUMMER: Grass should not be allowed to grow in excess of five inches, and cannot be mowed into the street. All grass, brush and weeds between the curb and sidewalk should be cut monthly. Trees must be planted at least four feet from any curb or street edge, and two- and one-half feet from any sidewalk. Branches must be trimmed to allow pedestrian passage on sidewalks. Dogs and cats are not allowed off the owner’s property unless leashed. Dogs must be licensed when six months old; dogs and cats must be vaccinated for rabies. Cleaning up after your dog or cat when walking them on village streets and sidewalks is mandatory year-round. Excrement pickup bags are provided at the Village Green Park. Household garbage cans should not be left at curbside for pick-up for more than 24 hours.
For further details, check the Village website at http://www.villageofbainbridgeny.org/residentinformation.html
Old Time Band Concerts
Since the mid 1960s there have been Bainbridge Old Time Band concerts in the Park on the Green in the center of Bainbridge and 2022 is no exception. Under the direction of Philip Wade, these Friday evening concerts are held in the park in front of the Presbyterian Church and are sponsored by the Village and Town of Bainbridge and the Bainbridge Chamber of Commerce. The schedule for this year is:
Friday, July 8 @ 7pm Friday, July 22 @ 7pm Friday, August 5 @ 7pm Friday, August 19 @ 7pm
Bring your lawn chairs and blankets and enjoy the 2022 Old Time Band concerts in the park. In case of rain the concerts and refreshments are moved to the Town Hall.
Jericho Arts Council Annual Meeting
The JAC Annual meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 12 at 6:30 pm in the Gallery of the Town Hall Theatre. During the Annual Meeting, the JAC Board will be reporting on the accomplishments and activities at the Bainbridge Town Hall Theatre and Gallery during the last year. There will be a discussion about plans and goals for the upcoming seasons, and we would welcome your presence, your input and suggestions. Both the JAC Board and the JAC Gallery Committee are seeking more members. Plan to join us to learn more about the Jericho Arts Council and the Gallery Committee. Brooks BBQ
The Presbyterian Church of Bainbridge will be holding their Brooks BBQ on Friday, June 3rd from 3pm – 6pm. Chicken will be cooked on-site in the church parking lot next to the Village Park. No pre-orders. A chicken half will sell for $7.50 and all sides are $1.50 each.
Lisa Materazzo Breaking Barriers at Toyota
January is typically a busy time of the year for me. This January was busier than usual due to a flurry of text messages, Facebook friend requests, tweets, and a few oldfashioned phone calls. I soon discovered the reason: a WIBX article titled “Bainbridge, New York Native and BU Grad is Breaking Barriers at Toyota”. I was flattered by the coverage and even more touched when Mary Drachler subsequently asked if I’d write an article about my journey at Toyota for Bainbridge Connects. Without hesitation I said yes. I’m proud of my upstate New York roots and appreciate the opportunity to share my story, whether it serves as entertainment, inspiration, or both.
Shortly after earning my MBA from Binghamton University, Toyota hired me as a Senior Product Planner. This was not a job I envisioned when I began my graduate studies. Although I grew up in a family of gear heads and loved cars, I never considered a career in the automotive
industry. That changed when I interviewed with Toyota and fell in love with the company, Southern California (Toyota’s headquarters at the time), and the job, which involved representing the needs of U.S. consumers to chief engineers as they planned future vehicles. With a mix of excitement and nervousness, I accepted the job offer and boarded a one-way flight to LAX. That was exactly 24 years ago this month. In retrospect, it was one of the best decisions I ever made.
During my time at Toyota, I’ve held a variety of positions in its strategic planning, Lexus, Scion, and Toyota divisions. Rotation is encouraged to build a holistic understanding of the company’s complex operations and required to advance to an executive level. The majority of my time has been in marketing roles, including the top marketing post for each of the company’s three brands (Toyota, Lexus, and Scion). In my current role as Group Vice President of Toyota Marketing I lead a department of nearly 200 team members and am responsible for all advertising, media, social media, digital properties, motorsports, auto shows and engagement initiatives, incentives, and product training.
My career has given me the opportunity to travel extensively (domestically and abroad), meet celebrities (lunch with Kevin Costner was a dream come true), and attend amazing events (Super Bowl and the Olympics are among my favorites). The only thing typical about my daily schedule is that it usually involves an airport. Some destinations are more exciting than others, like Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Japan, and Fiji, but I consider all of them a learning opportunity. New places, people, and experiences fascinate me.
I’m blessed to do something I love for a living with a company that feels like family. Well, it is literally family. I met my husband of 20 years at work. We now live in Texas after Toyota relocated its North American headquarters to Plano in 2017…. another one-way trip that, in retrospect, turned out well
Big Changes for the 2022 General Clinton Canoe Regatta.
This year marks the return of the General Clinton Canoe Regatta, back to normal, after two years of the pandemic cancelling the race. This will be the 60th year of the event. This year comes with a major change with the moving of the 70-mile endurance race from its traditional Monday, to Sunday this year. This will be an exciting change welcomed by all the paddlers.
We will still have all the events and races, but the event will be a day shorter. The Youth Races will move to Friday night before the Generation Gap races. The Sunday Grand Prix Relay Races and the Sprint Races will move to Saturday, with the 70-mile Endurance Race from Cooperstown starting Sunday morning. We are looking forward to big crowds on Sunday afternoon as the canoes cross the finish line.
On Saturday, at 1 pm, our attention shifts to this year’s Hall of Fame induction. This year’s inductees include racers, John Young, Portlandville, NY; Mike Fremont, Cincinnati, OH; Andy Triebold, Grayling, MI; Bob Vincent, Dorchester, ON; and contributors, Ed Hromada, Bainbridge, NY and John Harmon, Bainbridge, NY.
The weekend features something for everyone. There will be carnival rides with wristband specials, great food and games; the Taste of the Regatta, a 5k race, children’s entertainment, flea market/craft vendors, live music, and much much more with fireworks both Saturday and Sunday nights.
Please visit www.canoeregatta.org for more information.
JR Bogert Bainbridge Coin Laundry LLC Open 24 Hours 29 W Main St Wash & Fold Service Available Bainbridge, NY 13733 Large Capacity Washers and Dryers 607-287-4944
Help us kick off the 60th Annual General Clinton Canoe Regatta at the 5th Annual Taste of Regatta!! WHEN: Friday, May 27th @ 6:00 pm WHERE: General Clinton Canoe Regatta Park – Bainbridge, NY Sample & enjoy some of the best local food, beverages and entertainment. Entertainment Schedule: 6:00 – 6:30 Olivia Hawkins 6:30 – 7:00 Madison Nack 7:00 – 7:45 Judy Pitel 8:00 – 10:00 Aric McKown – Elvis Tribute Artist
Cost to participate in the tasting is $5.00 plus the first 200 people receive a FREE Taste of Regatta tasting glass.
We have many vendors already signed up to participate but we are still seeking local breweries, wineries, food services & food trucks that would like to be included in this event and feature some of their products for tasting. There is no cost to be a vendor, we just ask that you bring a 6’ or 8’ table with whatever product(s) that you would like to feature for the tasting along with banners, brochures, menus or business cards that will help to showcase your business. In addition, if you have the proper permits to sell your products offsite, we encourage you to bring product to sell that evening. Our line-up of local talent is certain to draw a large crowd. Please contact csmith@promomktgconsultants.com or call Chris @ 607-316-2319 – space is limited so please secure your space ASAP. This Year’s Taste of Regatta Sponsored By:
Editors: Mary Drachler, Violet Wade, June White and Cookie Witham. Comments or suggestions should be sent to bainbridgeconnects