Minutes of Bainbridge Chamber of Commerce General Membership Meeting – February 15th, 2022
ATTENDEES: Roger Barnhart,Jr Bogert,Jay Campbell,Dave DeClue, Mary Drachler, Matt Germond, John & Judy Hinman, Bruce Kellogg, Barb Mulkins, Dolores Nabinger, John Payne, Armando Petruccelli, Tim Ryan, Teri Schunk, Chris Smith, Phil Wade, June White
- Meeting called to order by Chamber President, John Payne, at 7:34 AM.
- Secretary’s Report: motion to accept by Roger, second by June, carried.
- The Cabin Fever Bowling Tournament is this Saturday. Donations for the Auction are still needed and there are openings still for teams during each squad.
- Treasurer’s Report: motion to accept by June, second by Mary, carried.
- Jay also reported that 91 invoices have gone out to members for renewal of membership dues.
- The Smith Foundation grant for $35,000 was discussed. The grant check has been received and is in the 4TownsForward bank account. It was discussed that going forward, invoices for the Community Center will be paid by 4TownsForward. Dave DeClue is the Treasurer of 4TownsForward, and he will be responsible for providing the information needed for grants on how the money is being spent.
- Phil provided a Village Report. He spent Sunday & Monday in Albany attending a Conference for all NYS Mayors. They spent time reviewing the state budget and Phil advised the following: “There are many good things in the budget for municipalities such as transportation funding, and water and sewer infrastructure funding, but what is disturbing and most controversial is a proposed statewide land use mandate requiring every city, village and town to authorize the creation of at least one Accessory Dwelling Unit (AD) per residential lot. Further, municipalities would be severely restricted to imposed parking requirements on ADUs. This flies into the face of the constitutionally reserved “home rule” right of local governments to develop their own zoning rules to manage land use within their boundaries. This mandate needs to be removed from the budget act and if parties believe it should be pursed, then alternative measures be considered. This is clearly overreach by state government and an attempt to impose a “one size fits all” solution statewide. We need to make our assemblymen, senators and governor aware of our concerns, and urge them to remove this provision from the budget.”
- Phil also spoke about the Theatre. It reopened last weekend after almost 2 years. A great show – Corey Zink Classic Country Road Show – 85 people in attendance. Masks are required for now, but they will evaluate as things continue to change going forward.
- Dolores attended, however, nothing to report.
- Tim Ryan provided a school report. It is budget season. Winter sports are wrapping up and Spring sports will be starting soon. A student posted a video on-line that sparked controversy. Unfortunately, BGCSD ended up in the news and in lots of newspaper articles. A discussion group has been formed and they will be meeting to discuss racism, diversity, etc. There is a long weekend coming up.
- Roger will be putting together an After-Hours Block Party for the new businesses – Jerry’s Inn, Bainbridge Coin Laundry, Erika’s Cakery, etc.
- Teri spoke about 4TownsForward. There is a meeting next Tuesday @ 8:00 am at the back of Bob’s. All are welcome to attend. The Community Garage Sale is scheduled for April 23rd from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. We may also want to set up a “Junk in Your Trunk” area for cars to set up – the Municipal Parking Lot? Also, we may want to arrange for businesses to do Sidewalk Sales that day.
- The next Bainbridge Connects will be going out in April.
- Matt provided an update on the Community Center. Insulation is done. The furnace is in, and C & H will be installing it in March. Roy Nabinger is in the process of finalizing the plan for electric.
- John and Judy Hinman attended and advised that the Afton Arts & Crafts Festival is scheduled for August 20th & 21st. Their festival will focus more on the “Arts.” They are also currently doing a Restaurant Gift Certificate Raffle. Tickets are $20.00. 1st Place is $300 or more in certificates, 2nd Place is $200 or more and 3rd Place is $100 or more.
- The Bainbridge Historical Society Corn Beef Dinner is scheduled for March 17th and will be take out only.
- JR reported that Bainbridge Coin Laundry received in some new washers yesterday and will be getting them installed soon to replace older ones. They recently installed USB charging ports; they are looking into offering a wash/fold service and they have books that people can read while there and to take home. If anyone has books that they would like to donate, JR will gladly take them.
- The garden club will be removing the barrel at Smiley’s as it is continually being hit. They will be putting a 2nd barrel in at 64 N. Main Street – Artisans of Bainbridge.
- Armando reported that they are moving forward on the renovation at the old Upstate Maple facility. It’s My Deli will be moving in and will be offering sit down, take out and catering services.
- Barb reported that the Community Chest Drive is going on but will be ending soon if you would like to make a donation.
- Motion to adjourn by Barb second by Roger, carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:27 am.
Our next Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 1st and the next General Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 15th at the back of Bob’s Diner @ 7:30 am.
Respectfully Submitted: Christine Smith, Secretary