Minutes of Bainbridge Chamber of Commerce General Membership Meeting – January 18, 2022
ATTENDEES: Roger Barnhart,Jr Bogert,Jay Campbell,Dave DeClue, Mary Drachler, Matt Germond, Barb Mulkins, Rich Paul, John Payne, Armando Petruccelli, Teri Schunk, Chris Smith, Phil Wade, June White, Cookie & Steve Witham
- Meeting called to order by Chamber President, John Payne, at 7:34 AM.
- Secretary’s Report: motion to accept by JR, second by Barb, carried.
- Treasurer’s Report: motion to accept by June, second by Mary, carried.
- Dolores was unable to attend but provided the following update: If the question comes up about the housing grant. The town clerk has applications, but we are in the initial stages. We must go out for an RFP for a grant administrator first before anything can be done. We have a new board member Melissa Fuller and new highway superintendent Matt Clark. Town clerk is open on Saturdays thru the month of February from 9:00 am – noon to collect taxes or any other business you might need
- Phil provided a Village report. Unfortunately, they were turned down on a couple of grants – the Kirby Street Culvert and the CBDG grants. They are still waiting to hear back on a grant with the USDA. There was a water main break last week but fortunately it was not too cold out and they did not have an issue repairing it. They will be starting the budget process this week. There will be a March election for (2) open trustee positions. There is (1) person petitioning so far. Fifty signatures are needed and need to be turned in by the end of the month.
- Cookie Witham attended and spoke about Regatta Row. They are currently doing a “call for artists.” This year’s theme is Regatta Byways – Scenes Along the River. They are planning this year’s street fest for Saturday, May 21st. The auction will be held the Saturday of Canoe Regatta – May 28th. They are working on a $5,000 grant and they are looking for sponsors.
- June reported that Cookie has joined the editorial staff of Bainbridge Connects – thank you Cookie!! The next edition will be going out at the end of the month.
- John Harmon spoke about the Canoe Regatta. The Amusement Group asked if there was any way we would consider going to a 3-day event as they are busy during that time. John approached the race committee about adjusting the 70-mile race to Sunday and moving Sunday’s races to Saturday. He also put a notice out on Facebook for feedback. Positive feedback with a little concern from the Scout coaches as they normally race on Sunday. To resolve issue, John is looking to have a special race for them on Sunday morning. It was discussed and everyone thought it was a great idea and time to try something new. The BOD met after the meeting and JR made a motion, second by Barb carried to make the change to a 3-day event. Also, the BOD determined that this will be the 60th Annual. John also advised that the gate charge will be going from $8.00 to $10.00. John has touched base with Cooperstown and has a call with them again this week but the start and change to Sunday look good. Jay requested that John provide the budget for this year’s event.
- Teri spoke about 4Towns Forward. They are in the final stages of the Tourism Booklet and should have a preview of it next week. The gun raffle is going ok, but they would still like to sell more tickets prior to drawing next Tuesday. They are planning a Spring Clean-up Day for all 4 villages on Sunday, April 24th. In addition to the clean-up, they would like to do small events in each community.
- Teri also reported that the final decision will be made tonight regarding the $70,000 grant that they have applied for the Community Center. She feels good about it and hopes to hear something tonight.
- Teri is also meeting with folks to research what grants are available so she can bring that information to next week’s 4Towns Forward Meeting. She is trying to be proactive instead of scrambling once we hear about a grant or there is a need for funding.
- JR spoke about membership. The committee has revamped the membership letter. They have also revamped the membership list and have a list of new businesses that we need to approach. Jay will be sending the letter and invoices out in February. They will also be revamping the membership form to add Membership with Bainbridge Connects Advertising to streamline form.
- Dave discussed insurance for the Community Center. Roger confirmed that it is not currently in place but will get that taken care of. The Community Center is owned by The Scout House Inc. dba the Community Center.
- Matt provided a quote for the furnace from Triboro. Cost is $6,900. We need someone to install it. Local contractors were discussed. JR reached out to Micah Casey. They will allow him to review quote before placing order.
- Based on owning buildings of comparable size, Matt advised that he feels the annual expense to operate the Community Center will be $15,000. We need to start work to determine how we are going to fund the annual cost to operate the building. Also need to determine if we need someone to manage the building and promote the building for events.
- Phil advised that the new seats have all been installed in the Theatre and they expect to reopen next month.
- Motion to adjourn by Phil second by Teri, carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 am.
Our next Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 1st and the next General Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 15th at the back of Bob’s Diner @ 7:30 am.
Respectfully Submitted: Christine Smith, Secretary