ATTENDEES: Roger Barnhart,Jr Bogert,Jay Campbell,Dave DeClue, Matt Germond, Mike Kauffman, Bruce Kellogg, Barb Mulkins, John Payne, Armando Petruccelli, Teri Schunk, Chris Smith, Tina Townsend, Phil Wade, June White
- Meeting called to order by Chamber President, John Payne, at 7:35 AM.
- Secretary’s Report: motion to accept by Bruce, second by Roger, carried.
- Treasurer’s Report: motion to accept by Roger, second by Barb, carried.
- John reported that 4Towns Forward received a grant for $5,000 from the Community Foundation of the South Central New York. The grant is for the Community Center. Teri advised that Sidney was also awarded a $5,000 grant for their Community Center.
- Teri advised that 4TownsForward is also working on a $70,000 grant with the R.C. Smith Foundation. This was a grant that we applied for previously but did not receive. More funds will be available in the 1st Quarter of 2022, and we have been told why we did not receive the prior grant and those corrections have been made. We are hopeful this will help us to secure the grant.
- Phil provided a Village Report. He is waiting to hear back on various grants for which they have applied.
- Mike provided a Town Report. There were about forty-five individuals/business owners at the last Town Board Meeting to voice their opposition to the mask mandate that went into effect on Monday. As a result, a letter was sent to the County. In addition, as a business owner – Pine Ridge Grocery, Mike sent a letter himself and encourages individuals/business owners to do the same. Phil made a motion that the Chamber draft a similar letter, second by Roger, carried. Mike forwarded me the Town’s letter and I will draft a similar letter from the Chamber.
- Mike also reported that the Town has received a preliminary letter advising them that they are being awarded a $500,000 housing rehabilitation grant.
- The Canoe Regatta was discussed. Barb attended the last meeting – meeting is centered around race right now, but we are beginning to build steam. Since this is John’s last year, we need to find someone that is willing to take over as Chair in the future. Ideally that person can shadow John this year. Tina suggested Rhonda Barringer from Afton. Tina will speak to her to see if she has any interest and will report back next month.
- Teri reported that 4TownsForward was awarded a $45,000 grant to do a feasibility study. They are learning what that entails, and they will do a full presentation at their next meeting. 4TownsForward is currently doing a gun raffle with the drawing to take place on January 25th.
- Final board seat voting took place. Bruce Kellogg and Rich Paul were both elected for another term. John Payne was re-elected as President, June White as Vice President, Jay Campbell as Treasurer and Me as Secretary.
- Matt provided an update on the Community Center. Ceiling materials are on the way, he is still working with Triboro Supply on a quote for the furnace and there is a plan in place for the electric. Once the electric is complete, the company will come back to complete the insulation. There was much discussion concerning maximum occupancy and that has yet to be determined. The flagpole is down, and the shed will be moved soon.
- Phil spoke about the Jericho. A water line has been put in place for a sprinkler system. Dave DeClue advised that the Scott’s plan to keep the name as the Jericho. Top notch work is being done and the Scott’s are still very excited about the project.
- Phil also spoke about the new balcony seats for the Theater. It is taking a little longer than expected to install them, but things are moving along. Phil also advised that the 1/7/22 show will be rescheduled for a later date due to COVID concerns.
- The Great American was discussed. The new owners have transferred the title. JR made a motion, second by Phil to send the new owners a welcome letter and thank them for investing in our community. Once I receive the information on who the owners are, I will draft that letter.
- Dave advised that there are a few properties going up for tax sale located on South Main Street.
- John read a letter from Joyce Humphrey from HALOS (Help After Loss) requesting a donation for her counseling program. JR made a motion to donate $200, second by Barb, carried.
- Tina brought an arial view photo of Bainbridge. Seven Stones as well as other businesses have purchased it. Cost is $125 – $150.
- JR advised that Bainbridge Coin Laundry will be doing a fundraiser on Wednesday, December 29th. All proceeds from anyone coming in to do laundry that day will go to the Delaware Valley Humane Society.
- Butler Auto is purchasing breakfast this Friday for anyone at Trackside in Sidney or Bob’s Diner in Bainbridge from 6:00 am – 1:00 pm.
- Motion to adjourn by Barb second by Bruce, carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:43 am.
Our next Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 4th and the next General Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 18th at the back of Bob’s Diner @ 7:30 am.
Respectfully Submitted: Christine Smith, Secretary