ATTENDEES: Jay Campbell, Mary Drachler, Matt Germond, Bruce Kellogg, Barb Mulkins, Rich Paul, John Payne, Teri
Schunk, Chris Smith, Phil Wade
- Meeting called to order by Chamber President, John Payne, at 7:34 AM.
- Secretary’s Report: motion to accept by Bruce, second by Mary, carried.
- Treasurer’s Report: motion to accept by Chris, second by June, carried.
- John spoke about the Golf Tournament held on August 8 th @ Sundown Golf & Country Club. Thank you, Teri
DeRoche, for coordinating and thank you to Teri Schunk for reaching out to businesses to get hole sponsors. The
profit from the tournament is $2,400. - Phil provided a Village Report. Phil continues to investigate various grant opportunities. Due to the Community
income levels, the Village does qualify for USDA programs. They continue to investigate putting charging stations in
through a Clean Energies Program Grant. Jay met with NYSEG to determine the best location for the stations which
is near the railroad tracks. The Village qualifies for Arbor funding of $130,000 and the 1 st installment has been
deposited. The Village workers have started work on the sidewalks. The construction project being done by the
state is supposed to be complete by November. - Dolores was unable to attend today’s meeting but wanted to advise that the Town Offices are adhering to the
Counties suggestion to wear masks when in the Town Hall. - Teri and Rich provided an update on 4TownsForward. A board consisting of 13 people including 2 – 3
representatives from each community has been formed. They have applied for a couple of grants one of which is for
$100,000 which they would like to use to conduct a feasibility study. They are also working on a Tourism brochure
that will feature each village. The brochure will be 40 – 50 pages, will include the history of each village, a calendar
of events, contacts for village organizations, a map with points of interest, etc. Rich is working with Premiere Ad –
Wiley Vincent on the brochure and Sidney Printing will print the brochure. The brochure will be updated every
couple of years. A town hall meeting is being planned for Wednesday, September 29 th – location yet to be
determined. Town hall meeting 6:30 – 8:00 pm. So far, Joe Angelino will be there and there is interest from Fred
Akshar, Claudia Tenney and Peter Oberacker. If they are unable to attend, however, they are confident they will
send a representative from their offices. Rich will also try to line guest speakers up for this year’s Commitment to
Community Dinner on Saturday, October 30 th . In addition, they are working on funding for the Sidney and
Bainbridge Community Centers. Teri is also working on a grant through Adam Weitsman. She will be submitting
that request today. If granted, the funding will be available in September. Rich advised that there is grant money
available, but you need to know how to go after it!! - Matt provided an update on the Community Center. It will be a few weeks before John Harmon will be able to get a
crew there to do the sheathing. In the meantime, Lambrecht’s has donated 2 x 4’s and if we are able to get those up
then the electric and HVAC can be done in preparation for the sheathing. One anonymous donation of $100 was
received this month. - Summer Fest/Bainbridge Days will take place over the Labor Day Weekend:
Friday, September 3 rd Starting @ 5:00 pm
Vendors, Food, Etc.
Short Change Band @ The Gazebo 6:00 – 8:00 pm
After the Band – Outdoor Move – “Raya the Last Dragon”
Saturday, September 4 th Starting @ 9:00 am
Vendors on Main Street & in the Village Park
Library Book Sale – Main Street
Restaurants & Businesses Open
Wine Tasting @ B & W Wines & Liquors
Live Music @ 17 N. Main Street – 11:00 am – 1:30 pm
The Blue Tonic Trio
Steve Eisenberg – flute, harmonica & vocals
Tom Biller Lead guitar & vocals,
Earl Arnette Bass & Vocals
Community Yard Sales
Fun for the Entire Family
- Bruce will plan to set up a table to sell raffle tickets prior to the drawing on Saturday. I will be
collecting all other tickets on August 31 st – tickets can be dropped off at Bob’s for me to pick up there. - June/Mary advised that they are hoping to do a Christmas Calendar for their next issue of Bainbridge Connects –
great job ladies!! - Terri spoke about the Halfway to Hoolie celebration planned in Sidney on Saturday, September 25 th . Vendors are
needed for this event. The lineup for the parade will take place at the Moose Club starting at 1:00 pm and the
parade will start at 2:00 pm. Anyone is welcome to participate in the parade. - Barb advised that the IRS is encouraging everyone to set up a PIN # which provides an extra layer of security. You
can go to their website now to set one up. - Motion to adjourn by Mary second by Barb, carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:46 am.
Our next Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 7 th and the next General Membership
Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 21 st at the back of Bob’s Diner @ 7:30 am.