Minutes of Bainbridge Chamber of Commerce General Membership Meeting – June 15, 2021

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  • Minutes of Bainbridge Chamber of Commerce General Membership Meeting – June 15, 2021

Attendees: JR Bogert, Jay Campbell, Mary Drachler, Matt Germond, Barb Mulkins, Joann Osterhout, Rich Paul, John Payne, Teri Schunk, Chris Smith, Phil Wade, June White

Meeting called to order by Chamber President, John Payne, at 7:35 AM.

Secretary’s Report: motion to accept by Bruce, second by June, carried.

Treasurer’s Report: motion to accept by Chris, second by Phil, carried.

JR will follow up with Mike from Pine Ridge regarding his $2,000 donation for the Memorial Day fireworks that we have not received yet.

Phil provided a Village Report. Tax bills are out. Phil continues to investigate various grant opportunities. They are looking into putting a charging station near the railroad tracks through a Clean Energies Program Grant. They have a new truck on order for plowing.

Town – No one in attendance to provide a report. I have emailed Dolores to see if someone can attend future meetings to represent the Town. Gary Richman will be retiring in January.

Teri and John provided an update regarding 4TownsForward. Since Vision 21 was never dissolved and was set up previously as a 5013C, 4TownsForward will be set up as a dba under Vision 21 allowing the group to move forward sooner. There is a meeting next Tuesday, June 22nd to review grant opportunities. The group is working on a $5,000 grant for the library; however, it has been difficult obtaining the information needed to complete the grant. The grant is due next week. The group will be asking Claudia Tenney and Fred Akshar to attend future meetings. John shared copies of maps that are being done in other areas to provide visitors with information on local attractions. We should investigate doing something similar.

All events that have been cancelled in the past due to the Pandemic will now move forward. Summer Fest/Bainbridge Days will take place over the Labor Day Weekend – Friday, September 3rd and Saturday, September 4th. The Chamber Golf Tournament is scheduled for Sunday, August 8th.

June advised that Bainbridge Connects will be going to the printer on July 1st. If you have anything that you would like included, please contact June or Mary Drachler.

Since we have neglected to follow-up on unpaid membership dues and it is too late to do so now, a Membership Committee is being formed to put a process in place for next year. The Committee will develop a flyer on reasons to be a member of the Chamber and will approach anyone that has not been a member and encourage them to join. It was suggested that membership include advertising in Bainbridge Connects. The Committee Chair will be Jr Bogert and members will include Bruce Kellogg, Rich Paul, Matt Germond and Jay Campbell).

Gun Raffle tickets are now available. Cost is $20 and drawing will take place during Bainbridge Days in September.

Motion to adjourn by Barb second by June, carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 am.

Our next Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 6th and the next General Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 20th at the back of Bob’s Diner @ 7:30 am.