ATTENDEES: Roger Barnhart, Jr Bogert, Jay Campbell, Mary Drachler, Matt Germond, Bruce Kellogg, Dolores Nabinger,
Rich Paul, John Payne, Armando Petruccelli, Teri Schunk, Chris Smith, Tina Townsend, June White
- Meeting called to order by Chamber President, John Payne, at 7:34 AM.
- Secretary’s Report: motion to accept by Roger, second by Bruce, carried.
- Treasurer’s Report: motion to accept by Roger, second by JR, carried.
- No Village Report
- Dolores provided a Town Report. There will be a budget hearing tomorrow @ 5:30 pm. They are currently updating
the policies for General Clinton Park. Going forward, the park will be open to the public during all events. The final
spending of the $100,000 grant is being determined. So far, the funds have been used on new lighting, windows,
bathrooms, fire alarms, new carpet, etc. They have received $97,000 in recovery funds which they are looking to use
at General Clinton Park and at the pool. They need to determine where they want to use the funds then get
approval for their use. They will be receiving another $97,000 next July. Election is coming up, but everyone is
running unopposed. There were (6) seasonal campers at General Clinton Park this Summer and they plan to limit the of seasonal campers to (12). Dolores also advised that there will be door to door trick or treating for Halloween this year and trunk or treat is pending approval.
- Teri & Rich provided an update on 4TownsForward. They have been approved for a $50,000 feasibility grant. They
are in the early stages of looking into adding an Amphitheatre behind the Vets Park in Sidney that would seat 3,500.
The brochure is in process and is scheduled to be completed by March. There was a setback on the $70,000 grant
that looked promising. Unfortunately, we did not receive, however, there is more money coming in the first quarter.
They felt they learned a lot about how the grant needs to be submitted and they also realized they know some of
the individuals on the Board that make the decision on who the grant goes to. The next 4TownsForward meeting is
next Tuesday – October 26 th at 8:00 am at the back of Bob’s. Everyone is invited to attend. - The Great American will go up for auction on Friday, October 22 nd @ 3:00 pm – for more information –
http://manasseauctions.com/details/CCRPAuction.htm. If you plan to make a bid, you must register prior to the
auction. The viewing of the property is today @ 4:30 pm. - Matt spoke about the Community Center. John Harmon brought in a crew to do the framing – the crew did a great
job, and it took about 5 hours to complete. John may be able to bring a crew back again to complete additional
work. Lambrecht’s has donated 2 x 4’s. The ceiling needs to be completed which Matt received a quote for. $6,500
total for materials and labor and the work would take a day or two to complete. Before we move forward, Matt will
see if this is something John’s crew could do. We need to make arrangements to get the gravel that has been
donated delivered – hopefully, this is something that can be done before Winter. In addition, we should get the
cameras from Phil and get them mounted on each end of the Community Center. Teri Schunk will attend our
November BOD meeting to discuss Sidney’s Capital Campaign to obtain continual funding for their Community
Center enabling them to keep their doors open. In addition, I will invite Judy Volkert to attend who is the President
of the BG Alumni Association. We need to develop a similar campaign that will enable us to fund our Community
Center. - Tina Townsend is coordinating the 4Towns Forward Small Business Saturday for Bainbridge on Saturday, November
27 th from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. She is currently looking for vendor spacing. So far, Chris Brown has agreed to let us use
the Auction Gallery and we are able to use the back of the Town Hall. More locations are needed, however, to
accommodate all vendors. Terri Schunk is the contact for Sidney. It is important that fees, etc. be consistent among
all towns. - June advised that Bainbridge Connects will be going out in early November.
- The Chamber will once again be providing Christmas trees to all the businesses on Main Street that want one. June
has created a map for location of all trees – 45 trees total. Trees will be distributed the weekend of 11/20 and will be
expected to be decorated and lighted by the weekend of 11/27. Trees will remain decorated and lit through January
6 th . June is asking all businesses to donate an ornament for the Chamber tree. All businesses will be recognized on
the tree. - This year’s Christmas Parade will be Saturday, December 11 th . Afton’s parade is the week before and Sidney’s is the
week after. - Christmas Caroling will take place on Sunday, December 12 th . Updates on that as we know more.
- The PA System was discussed as the wiring continues to be an issue. We would like to have it
properly wired so that it does not continue to be an issue going forward. JR is working with Roy Nabinger to get the
speakers repaired. - Next year’s Chamber Bowling Tournament will be held on Saturday, February 19 th .
- The Rotary will once again hold pancake day on election day from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm. It will be taken out only from
Bob’s window – same as last year. Delivery is available in town. - The Rotary also has Doug’s to Go on 10/25 on Church St. in front of the Episcopal Church.
- Motion to adjourn by Roger second by Rich, carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 am.
Our next Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 2 nd and the next General Membership
Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 16 th at the back of Bob’s Diner @ 7:30 am.
Respectfully Submitted: Christine Smith, Secretary